The Complete Guide to Buying Property for Your Home-Based Business

If you’re building a home-based business from the ground up, you might have realized that you simply don’t have enough room in your current home to maintain an office and store your essential supplies and equipment. It may be time to relocate so that you can fully commit to your business and make plans for future growth! Here’s how to plot your move from start to finish so that you can embrace entrepreneurship, presented below by Rocky River Woodworks.

Research Home Prices

Before you start looking at homes in your desired city, you’ll need to research average housing prices in the area so that you can draw up a realistic budget. Take note of the average prices for the type of property you want to buy; for example, if you’re looking for a three-bedroom home in Midland, you should plan to spend more than someone looking for a condo. 

You can also compare prices across different neighborhoods. If property downtown is expensive, look at home prices in outlying neighborhoods. This can help you save on both your down payment and your mortgage.

Find a Real Estate Agent

Now that you’ve figured out a realistic budget, you’re ready to look for a real estate agent. If you know anyone who has bought a home in the same area recently, ask if they would recommend their agent! ExtraSpace also recommends stopping by open houses in neighborhoods you like and talking to the agents who are hosting.

With so many people telecommuting today, it doesn’t hurt to ask the agent you’re considering if they have experience helping remote workers. If they have expertise in this area, they’ll be able to scout out homes with potential home office spaces. Overall, an agent will help you put together a competitive offer for a house that checks all of your boxes.

Choose a Moving Company

Once you’ve had an offer accepted for a home you love, it’s time to hire a moving company! Movers will help you pack and unpack quickly. You don’t want to fall victim to a moving company scam, so be wary of companies that give you very low estimates without disclosing additional fees. You should also ensure that the movers you choose are licensed.

Design Your Home Office

You have boxes scattered all around your new home - but you’re excited to design your very own home office. To make the most of your office space, choose a desk that fits your aesthetic, like this rustic work desk from Rocky River Woodworks, and a chair with ergonomic features, adding decor in bright colors for a touch of vibrancy, using cord clips to keep wires from getting cluttered, and creating a vision board for your wall to stay inspired.

Start Your Business

Your home office is designed to maximize your productivity, and now, you’re more than ready to officially launch your business. If you already have your physical or virtual products ready to go, you might think you don’t have anything else to do - but you’ll need to take care of a few key tasks first. For example, this is the perfect time to hunker down in your office and create your company website, register social media accounts for your business, gather your paperwork to file for the right business structure, and go through a dry run to test out your ordering process. You’ll feel confident and prepared on launch day!

In order to run a business from your home, you need adequate space. You don’t have to struggle in a cramped environment - instead, you can explore the possibility of moving. Soon, you’ll be able to put an offer down on a home large enough to suit your business needs!

Photo via Pexels


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